Gloria's Tech Cafe

Cheesecake being printed on the Foodini

The Foodini is a machine manufactured by the Natural Machines Company that prints food.  It uses a robotic arm to extrude layers of ingredients onto a plate.  It has five cartridges and can create a dish with up to five different ingredients.  

The cofounders of the company are interested in health and in finding new uses for technology.  They originally developed Foodini as a mini manfuacturing machine.  It can extrude soft foods such as dough or mashed potatoes or pureed meats and vegetables and form them into interesting shapes. A user can download designs from the Natural Machines website or create their own.

  Currently the printed food needs to be cooked outside of the Foodini, however the machine’s manufacturer have plans to develop a model that can cook the food in place using lasers.  I have made several different dishes with the Foodini, including cookies, cheescake, tortilla chips and more.  I have even printed with chocolate.  With the Foodini, you can use your own freshly prepared ingredients.  It is a fun way to present delicious and nutritious food.

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Natural Machines Website